
Manilla sign.jpg

Ladies and gentlemen, you are now arriving in Manilla, where the year is 1853!

Manilla is steeped in history, so if you like travelling back in time to a more pioneering age, then you’ve come to the right place…

  • Prior to European occupation, the area was home to the Kamilaroi Aboriginal people.

  • 1853 - George Veness selected a property at the junction of the Namoi and Manilla Rivers, a teamsters' campsite known as 'The Junction'. He built a wine-shop, a store and a residence and became the first postmaster. Veness was asked by the postal department to choose a title for the village, and he named it after a Gamilaraay word meaning “winding river”.

  • Early 1860s - The town was laid out by Arthur Dewhurst, who named its streets after himself, his wife, their English home towns, and the local MP Charles Lloyd.

  • 1864 - George Veness' store was washed away by floods, which killed four of the town's twelve residents.

  • 1865 - Bushranger 'Thunderbolt' (alias Fred Ward) stole two horses from Lloyd's station and committed a series of robberies on the Barraba Road.

  • 1867 - Thunderbolt bailed up the Tamworth Mail 3 km from Manilla, then robbed Veness' store and stole clothes, spirits and groceries. The police arrived and he fled without his pack horse.

  • 1875 - A small private school was established in Manilla.

  • 1879 - Manilla had its own public school.

  • 1885 - Manilla was officially proclaimed a town.

  • 1890 - The editor of the Tamworth Observer described Manilla as a town which promised a “prosperous future”. He commented on the imposing bridge crossing the river, the stately court house, the well-kept orchards and pretty flower gardens. 

  • 1896 - Tobacco was first grown in the district by a Chinese farmer.

  • 1899 - The railway reached Manilla, and a flour mill was built in the town.

  • 1900 - 1910 - A series of fires destroyed many buildings in the centre of the town.

  • 1905 - The Council installed lights on the local bridge.

  • 1908 - The rail line opened in September, providing an important link to the regional centres surrounding Manilla.

  • 1915 - Electric light became available.

  • Pre-1920 - The first Yarramanbully one-teacher school was built.

  • 1923 - There were 17 tobacco plantations in the district.

  • 1929 - The local flour mill was destroyed by fire.

  • 1935 - The second Yarramanbully school was built, when a new generation of children required that the (formerly closed) school be re-opened. Classes recommenced on 31 July.

  • 1953 - The second Yarramanbully school closed, as all of the pupils had moved on to other schools for their secondary education. The building and its contents were left intact on the Gallagher property at the close of classes.

  • 1964 - A flood in January forced one third of the town's population to evacuate.

  • 1972 - Manilla’s History Group was incorporated.

  • 1973 - Manilla’s first museum opened to the public, in temporary premises at the southern end of Manilla Street.

  • 1975 - "Royce Cottage", now the Manilla Heritage Museum, opened.

  • 1977 - The Gallagher family donated the Yarramanbully Schoolhouse building to the Manilla community for the town's Centenary of Public Education, and the building was restored by Manilla Historical Society volunteers.

  • 1988 - Work on Split Rock Dam was completed.

  • 2012 - The Manilla Heritage Museum rural extension was officially opened by James Treloar in March.

  • 2016 - Manilla’s Road Safety Bike Park opened in September.

  • 2021 - Manilla’s new bridge opened.

The Manilla Heritage walk gives a fascinating insight into the town’s Indigenous history, early settlement and architectural history. It is an absolute must for any student of history. 

Then there’s the Manilla Heritage Museum (including the Rural Museum, Yarramanbully Schoolhouse Museum and Harry Burrell’s Platypusary Memorial Project) with over 6,000 heritage items and archives, Pioneer Park, the War Memorial Hall, Manellae Collectables, the railway viaduct and two historic cemeteries - Manilla Historic Cemetery and Manilla General Cemetery - to explore. 

Best of all, there are some amazing antique shops (such as Dingly Dell Uniques and The Manilla Folder), markets and collectables fairs where you can view and purchase pieces of Manilla’s unique and vibrant history for yourself.