Manilla Swimming Club

Manilla Swimming Club is a small club for children ranging from kindergarten right through to upper high school age. The club aims to help swimmers develop their abilities no matter their skill level.

Manilla Swimming Club is registered with Swimming Australia and swimmers are supported in training for their school carnivals and encouraged to compete in District carnivals if desired.

Active Kids vouchers can be used for both club registration and training fees.

Training is at the Manilla Memorial Swimming Pool on Tuesdays - Fridays from 3.30 - 6.00 pm (depending on age and ability, with youngest swimmers earliest).

Friday night is Swimming Club night from 6.00 - 7.00 pm, which is a fun, social way to practice skills in a more competitive environment. New swimming families are very welcome.

For more information, contact Emma on 0439 008 734.